Sources and So On

So this week in class we talked about Zotero, which I was actually pretty familiar with due to having taken a variety of anthropology classes the past five years which all really wanted us to make use of it. Though I don’t actually often use it, I will admit that it is a pretty fancy program and probably more useful than I give it credit for. I suppose I’m a masochist for the pain of searching for that article you read a week and a half ago on Jstor. I can Zotero being particularly helpful with this assignment though, because all of the sources will be pretty similarly titled, which will make searching for them again a very large pain. As for source types, as useful and interesting as primary sources can be, I personally prefer secondary sources. I feel as though this is mostly because the way that historical secondary sources are written is far closer to the way anthropological ethnographies (which are somewhere in between a primary and a secondary source) are written. Also because I loathe trying to decipher old handwriting. It is a migraine waiting to happen. Also secondary sources tend to cite multiple primary sources in the reference section, so when I do require primary sources I am able to refer back there and know exactly where to look for the most useful sources.

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