Monthly Archives: March 2014

Starting the Site

So as usual I am a bit behind in getting this up, but in my defense, I work and have class pretty much all of Thursday and Friday so it is usually damn near impossible for me to get this in by Friday night, so Saturday is going to have to suffice unless I get my schedule changed for work.

Now onto the point.

So today I have been uploading some of the pictures to my Omeka site. The first one I did in class was Adam Meyer’s medical examination sheet and I had a pretty difficult time with that, mostly because the class  moves faster than my computer. But I got it, and later when I was able to really look at the website I figured it out most of the parts I was unsure about before. Today I uploaded two more pages, one being Meyer’s initial declaration for invalid pension and the other the four images that make up his muster rolls.

The first one was the Declaration of Invalid Pension and It took me a few minutes to figure out what I needed to do again after a few days but it didn’t take long. Typing in all the metadata is tedious but not difficult in the least.

The second was the Muster roll images, where I decided to put multiple images on the one page (not sure if I was supposed to do that or not, but it made the most sense given that they’re the same things) but it took ever so sightly longer to do just because I needed to add a date range and a variety of image names in the identifier section in the metadata.

Overall it was pretty simple and I plan to try and upload all of the images today so that is less that I have to work on later.


So you may wonder why the title of this post is “Irony”, well let me explain. So I have already expressed my general distaste for this project (mostly because I find pretty much anything Civil War related to be mind-numbingly dull, even if you try to stick zombies in it, I will probably be pretty bored) but in addition to that and my dislike of looking at old documents, I just learned that my soldier died in the town of Marion, Indiana. The small town I grew up in (in Southwest Virginia, mind you) was named Marion and the place where my mothers family is from is a small city in Indiana not far from where my soldier died. I hate both of these places with a fiery passion, so I just found it amusing that I have to lurk in the records of a place that I rather loathe. Joy.

Moving on.

So just to add insult to injury, there is pretty much just a four year window after the muster rolls end and his death date (1890-1894). So there is not much to work with, everything is going to be what is happening in that small span, in this small town, which as of the moment I am not finding much on. I am continuing to look obviously, but

Aha! As I type this I actually found something, its not much (it’s a wikipedia article) but it gives me an idea of what to look for in other places. So that’s nice.

Another problem I’m running into, while I have found a site ( that has all these lovely newspapers and birth/marriage/death certificates, not a one of them has been digitized. Which is utterly useless to me, as I can’t just lope out to Indiana and hang out in their microfilm room to look up the information.

Hopefully I will have more luck soon.

Storage, Passwords, and Security

What do you have?


  • I do. I collect Kpop albums as they are really really nice. Other than that though, not really, I don’t store pictures on them or anything like that.


  • I have a ton of DVD’s. Between my mother and I there are hundreds at the house.

Flash Drives?

  • I use flash drives quite often. I tend to download things on my mac and transfer them to my other compute with a flash drive. I also use them a lot for school.


  • I honestly have no clue what this is.



Personal Archiving

What do you do with your photos?

  • I keep some on my mac, some on my phone, and some on my new computer. Also some in dropbox though frankly that was an accident.

What do you do with your email?

  • I keep my inbox pretty clean. I have folders for specific things if I want to find them again easily.

What do you do with your social media?

  • I let it sit there and be social

What do you back up on to?

  • I don’t really. I recognize this will bite me in the ass one day. The only things I back up is my collection of SHINee videos and pictures onto a special hard drive cause I have no life like that.



Your Passwords

Do you reuse?

  • Yes, pretty consistently.

Are your passwords guessable?

  • It is a strange password to guess. Mixing languages is weird, but I don’t think it would take a program too long to figure it out though.

Real details?

  • Not really. I mean, if you know things I like it wouldn’t be too difficult I suppose, but it is still pretty weird.

Capitals at front?

  • Yes.

Numbers/punctuation at end?

  • Yes.

First name and date?

  • No.

Mangling with numbers and letters (such as S and $)

  • No.




Is all your software updated?

  • Not at the moment.

Do you use anti-virus software?

  • I should….

Do you open suspicious email-phishing?

  • No.

Do you use secure connections- SSL/ https?

  • For some things, but definitely not for everything.

Do you manage cookies on your browser?

  • I honestly have no clue what this means… again.