Storage, Passwords, and Security

What do you have?


  • I do. I collect Kpop albums as they are really really nice. Other than that though, not really, I don’t store pictures on them or anything like that.


  • I have a ton of DVD’s. Between my mother and I there are hundreds at the house.

Flash Drives?

  • I use flash drives quite often. I tend to download things on my mac and transfer them to my other compute with a flash drive. I also use them a lot for school.


  • I honestly have no clue what this is.



Personal Archiving

What do you do with your photos?

  • I keep some on my mac, some on my phone, and some on my new computer. Also some in dropbox though frankly that was an accident.

What do you do with your email?

  • I keep my inbox pretty clean. I have folders for specific things if I want to find them again easily.

What do you do with your social media?

  • I let it sit there and be social

What do you back up on to?

  • I don’t really. I recognize this will bite me in the ass one day. The only things I back up is my collection of SHINee videos and pictures onto a special hard drive cause I have no life like that.



Your Passwords

Do you reuse?

  • Yes, pretty consistently.

Are your passwords guessable?

  • It is a strange password to guess. Mixing languages is weird, but I don’t think it would take a program too long to figure it out though.

Real details?

  • Not really. I mean, if you know things I like it wouldn’t be too difficult I suppose, but it is still pretty weird.

Capitals at front?

  • Yes.

Numbers/punctuation at end?

  • Yes.

First name and date?

  • No.

Mangling with numbers and letters (such as S and $)

  • No.




Is all your software updated?

  • Not at the moment.

Do you use anti-virus software?

  • I should….

Do you open suspicious email-phishing?

  • No.

Do you use secure connections- SSL/ https?

  • For some things, but definitely not for everything.

Do you manage cookies on your browser?

  • I honestly have no clue what this means… again.

2 thoughts on “Storage, Passwords, and Security

    1. jenessagilley Post author

      This is just for a class and I’m pretty sure that this is just the default wordpress theme. I know that I’ve not actually consciously messed with it so this is what I assume.


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