Make-up Post

So apparently I missed a post, and since I am not entirely sure on what, but I only had 7 when I needed 8 so I am going to see if this will count as a make-up post.

Yesterday I decided to sit down and do a lot of things, namely the thing. While It was actually fairly interesting (especially when I got distracted and searched for my own relatives) it was one gigantic dead end. I feel bad, I really do. My guy’s page is going to be so barren, but there just isn’t much out there. I can’t find anything on his, or his wifes parents, they had no children. All of the people that signed his affidavits and other documents are dead ends too (or at least, I had so little information on them that I couldn’t single out one William Shepherd from Indiana from the other hundred William Shepherds). The men who signed with their initials were essentially unsearchable, because it wouldn’t really take the initials, and their last names were far too broad to be useful.

On the bright side though, I did actually get two pretty useful things out of it that I had no previously known. For one, Adam Meyer’s wife, Mathilda, moved to Delaware after he passed and lived there until she died about 22 years after he had died. Second, I found out just what Adam Meyer had done as  a job after the war, which was a coach maker. Now, I’m not 100% sure what that is yet (though I am assuming that it someone who makes carriages) but it is an excellent lead that I can use to flesh out his web page a bit more.

I am actually somewhat sad that he is such a home-body. I think I could have had a bit more fun with this if he had been a bit more interesting, like even some kids to research would have been fun. Alas.

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