
So I know this is really really late, I’m sorry. However, I am doing it before next class so that’s something right? Right?

Either way, this week I did some mapping of Adam Meyer’s life. It took me a while to figure out cause, as usual, my computer is super freaking slow and I’m never quite there with what is happening in class because my computer is like 3 steps behind (its usually crying “Chrome is not responding” and blurring out my tab bar because it has less RAM than my Windows 98 Compac Presario whatever thing) but I digress.

So mapping. Once I got it all working it went pretty fast, I really have only one thing left to plot, which is where Adam and Mathilda got married. Other than that I have the entire thing plotted, I plan to put dates he was in those places in the little info boxes, especially for the places he went during the war, as some of those places he was only at for a few days at a time. Over all this was pretty simple and straightforward once I figured it out, and it will add a really interesting aspect to my omeka page as it shows Adam’s movements from birth to death (and if I can figure out how to change the line appearance, I will add in his wife’s movement after his death).

With this I am inching closer to being done with this project, and this makes me very very happy. I plan on getting my picture from Blenheim house in two days so there is that, and then I hope to be able to fully complete steps 1-4 on the “You should have this done by now page” I have most of it started but not terribly much finished, so I want to get that out of the way so that I can focus on the last little bit and my other final project (which is a wee tad more interesting to me)

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