Building my Exhibit

Well, we are finally to the exhibit building part, time to see just how sparse information on Adam really is. This is something I already know, but no one else does.

It’s really freaking sparse. Just so you know. He didn’t do much of anything. So while I am going to do my best with this cause I REALLY want to graduate in 2 weeks, it ain’t gonna be much. Sigh.

So as for the actual exhibit building, it is pretty straightforward. I am still working on uploading some pictures (it’s tedious so I have taken a really long time to do it cause typing up the metadata makes my eyes want to bleed) so that has caused a kink or two here and there. Also I didn’t realize that I needed to upload each picture separately (I’ve been uploading things that are front and back of the same document to the same item file) so I have ran into issue with that, so I will need to fix that up this weekend. I suppose that I just need to sit down and do all this, which I am going to do tomorrow. Me and 2-3 5 hour energies are going to become best buddies and get this done so I can get feedback on it next Wednesday.

I have pretty much set up one entire section, which is his pre-war life. I’ve done this because I have pretty much no information on this, so it was pretty quick. I’ll probably go about setting up the exhibit to match the chronology of his life, this is because the most information I have is actually about how his wife lived out the rest of her life after he died. Mathilda was a bit more interesting than Adam to be perfectly honest. She moved to Delaware for some unknown reason (I tried to see if she had relatives there but no luck in finding anything, perhaps she just liked the climate better; I can guarantee you Delaware is far nicer than Indiana in the summers).

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